General manager and 3rd generation winemaker
The living memory
Agriculture has been flowing through the veins of the Gousselands for many generations. Dominique almost always knew that he would be a farmer, like his father and grandfather before him. He became aware of this at the age of 12. In high school, his certainty was unshakable and he expressed it firmly in front of his teachers: he would take over the family farm. It must be said that he had been entirely immersed in its activities since he was a kid.
His ancestors composed between polyculture, animal husbandry and vineyards. When his father married Cécile Guérin, the eldest daughter of Robert Guérin, he settled on the Puy Gaudin estate. No one knows yet, but the eponymous site will host, in a few years, the SICA of the same name. Dominique's father initially produces mainly Cognac. When Daniel Guérin, his brother-in-law, calls his family to the rescue to cope with the demands for Pineau, Puy Gaudin then turns to this product.
Since the first farm bought by Robert Guérin, the search for quality has always guided the work of the family members. "To make a good Pineau, you need the grape varieties, but also the land". Aware of the value of his terroir, but also of its limits, Dominique has taken care, according to the opportunities, to enrich and complete his vineyard. This concerns the plots that have come to diversify the types of soil at his disposal, but also his choices of grape variety and vineyard management.